Strategic HNS project

Counties and grassroots base the foundation of development


Counties and grassroots base the foundation of development
Photo by: Arhiva HNS

Croatian Football Federation expert taskforce, headed by Technical Director Romeo Jozak, starts visiting county football federations in order to collect the essential information for HNS development strategy.

During the following month, Technical Director Romeo Jozak and his associates will visit all the county football federations and gather key staff to talk about the current state of affairs and specific challenges of local clubs.

"We have prepared approximately 20 basic topics, but we want to hear about other difficulties as well. Moreover, we are open to ideas and suggestions as we want to analyze the competition formats, coaches' work, county demographics, club issues, licensing procedure and see the full picture of Croatian football", said Romeo Jozak at the beginning of this key project.

Foto: Arhiva HNS

First stops of this tour are the County of Vukovar-Srijem and Osijek-Baranja, followed by Slavonski Brod-Posavina and Požega-Slavonia. Next stops are the County of Virovitica-Podravina and Bjelovar-Bilogora, with the tour to be completed on 16 March in Dubrovnik. Then follows the analysis of the collected data.

"This analysis alone can complete the football development strategy to be presented to UEFA. The basic settings are already made, but we have to adapt to differences between Dinamo or Hajduk and local county clubs. Only then we can make further moves and reach the right decisions", says Jozak.

Foto: Arhiva HNS

The main idea is to get a firm standpoint for development, he added:

"Our desire is to involve as many people as possible. Aware that elite football is the priority since it enables investments, we have to invest in our grassroots base to develop elite football. We are looking for answers regarding the issues of women's football, veterans and amateurs, minorities and grassroots level. Therefore, this is the key project which requires intensive work on daily basis".



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