Talent development

HNS management welcomes FIFA representative Ged Roddy


HNS management welcomes FIFA representative Ged Roddy
Photo by: HNS

Croatian Football Federation management, led by president Marijan Kustić, hosted FIFA representative Ged Roddy - the manager of Talent Development of National Associations project - in the HNS headquarters.

Alongside Kustić, HNS delegation included executive director Tomislav Svetina, secretary Vladimir Iveta, technical director Stipe Pletikosa, and president's advisor Zorislav Srebrić.

"It is an exceptional honour to welcome an FIFA official, mr. Ged Roddy, and I'm happy that he has recognized the fact that Croatian Football Federation pays special attention to the development of young talents. I am convinced that the implementation of FIFA project will contribute even more to identifying talented players, who have the ability to eventually reach the international level", said HNS president Kustić.

Foto: HNS

"I would like to thank president Kustić and everybody at Croatian Football Federation for a lovely welcome. Regarding our project, I am extremely happy with the fact that Croatia is an important participant. Although FIFA is implementing this project for a while, it has a future. I believe that the new, young talented players will find their way like those before them, and FIFA is here to support the national associations in implementing this project. This is my first visit to Croatia, but I am convinced that this is just the beginning, and that we'll meet plenty of times, since we have major plans. Furthermore, this project is already implemented in diaspora, USA and Canada, and will be implemented in Australia. Moreover, in three to five years' time we plan to start many other projects. Lastly, Croatia is a beautiful country, while the people at the stadiums, in bars, and on the streets, are very hospitable and attentive. My impressions are fantastic, and I can't wait to visit you again", said Ged Roddy.

During his three-day stay in Croatia, Roddy held several meetings in order to further plan and implement the project, with Hrvoje Hrkač - youth teams competitions administrator and match manager for youth, women, and futsal national teams - leading the project at HNS.

Foto: HNS

Roddy spoke to Stipe Pletikosa regarding the organization of the diaspora national camps, to HNS Academy manager Boris Kubla on educational system, to women and futsal national teams secretary Denis Lukša and women's football coordinator Božidar Miletić on developing women's football and relevant competitions, and to grassroots manager Antonio Grahovac on national youth competitions.

In Croatia, Roddy also visited the HNS summer camp in Ludbreg, where he met the chief instructor Petar Krpan and Croatia U-15 and U-16 head coaches, Sreten Ćuk and Robert Jarni.

Foto: HNS



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