Media release

The most difficult fight for the greatest fighter


The most difficult fight for the greatest fighter
Photo by: Drago Sopta/HNS

Croatian Football Federation has acknowledged Darijo Srna's public address, as the legendary Croatia and Shakhtar captain announced the temporary cessation of football activities due to a positive doping test. He will fight to remove the only stain in his brilliant career.

As the umbrella organization of Croatian football, Croatian Football Federation is fully dedicated to anti-doping movement, since we consider doping a true enemy of sports and each individual athlete. Through its activities, HNS is doing everything in its power to keep all national teams free of unauthorized agents, to make clubs and players respect anti-doping rules, and to thoroughly notify medical staff and other officials on anti-doping developments in a timely manner. The institution of HNS has a zero-tolerance policy towards doping.

Simultaneously, we believe that Darijo Srna has not used any unauthorized agent knowingly or intentionally, as he has stated in his public address. His behaviour, from the first appearance for Croatia until the record 134th cap against Portugal, confirmed each and every time that Srna is an athlete and a human being of exceptional character. His role as club and national team captain, including the status he enjoys among teammates and supporters both in Croatia and Ukraine, bear witness to the previous statement. 

Throughout his career, Darijo Srna has exhibited exemplary and enviable care for the physical preparation of his body in order to endure the maximum efforts. This was manifested in hundreds of additional training sessions alongside the regular ones, where he always arrived first, and departed last. National team doctors, physiotherapists, coaches, and all of the teammates that worked alongside Srna can confirm that he is an athlete who can serve as an example considering his professional attitude towards sports, practice, and his body. This is also confirmed by hundreds of negative anti-doping tests in Darijo Srna's career.

Just like Darijo, Croatian Football Federation is aware of the gravity and severity of this test result, and cannot discuss the details of the confidential procedures. Croatian Football Federation will continue to monitor the developments of this case and will support the former Croatia captain in any available way - sharing the knowledge of its medical staff, testifying to Srna's attitude towards unauthorized agents or towards his approach to training, or any other suitable manner.

Croatian Football Federation regrets that these events disturb the image of one brilliant athlete's excellent career. However, we believe and hope that Darijo Srna will emerge victorious in this fight, perhaps the most difficult one in his career, in accordance with the fact that he is one of the greatest fighters Croatian football ever had.



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