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Futsal tournament to celebrate International Romani Day


Futsal tournament to celebrate International Romani Day
Photo by: Drago Sopta/HNS

International Romani Day was celebrated in Sesvete with a futsal tournament in organization of Croatian World Roma Organization and under the high patronage of Croatian Football Federation.

Four teams have entered the tournament - Croatia national minorities selection, Croatia deaf-mute national team, Roma national team of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the humanitarian stars selection of Kotor Varoš (Bosnia-Herzegovina).

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

On behalf of Croatian Football Federation, the organization was supported by Executive Committee member Stjepan Merkaš and the Chief Advisor to the HNS president, Zorislav Srebrić. Croatia bronze-winning manager Miroslav Ćiro Blažević also joined the event.

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

Following the opening ceremony and the matches, as well as the awards ceremony, the event continued with a reception and other social occasions.

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

"We are happy and proud to celebrate our day in this manner, a day that has been celebrated worldwide since 1971. We are grateful to Croatian Football Federation and the president Davor Šuker, our partners and associates in organization at such a high level", said the World Roma Organization president Toti Dedić.

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS

Foto: Drago Sopta/HNS


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