In company of Bobby Charlton

Srebrić receives UEFA Order of Merit


Srebrić receives UEFA Order of Merit
Photo by: Getty Images

On Monday, the high advisor of the HNS president, Zorislav Srebrić, was awarded UEFA Order of Merit Diamond.

On the eve of the 40th Ordinary UEFA Congress in Budapest, UEFA Order of Merit awards were presented to six personalities for their services to the game.

Among them was the long-term employee of the Croatian Football Federation, the former chief secretary and the current high advisor of the HNS president, Zorislav Srebrić.

Alongside Srebrić, Bobby Charlton, Lars-Ake Lagrell, Karoly Palotai, Trevor Brooking, and Hilary Tagliaferro were awarded by UEFA first vice-president Angel Maria Villar Llona.

UEFA Order of Merit is the highest recognition to the individuals distinguished by extreme efficiency and efforts for the benefit of football, through years of service, trying to make the game better and whose vision and energy changed the course of the game.

Congratulations to Mr. Srebrić!


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