CM Yadav welcomes Jozak at the highest level

Croatia and India discuss cooperation opportunities


Croatia and India discuss cooperation opportunities
Photo by: Arhiva HNS

Croatian Football Federation technical director, Romeo Jozak, completed his three-day stay in India, where he held discussions on the football development in the second most populated country in the world, including the potential of the cooperation with the HNS.

Jozak stayed in Uttar Pradesh, the largest Indian state with the population of over 200 million. In the capital Lucknow, he was welcomed by the chief minister, Honorable Mr. Akhilesh Yadav, at the highest level.

India is experiencing great football expansion, and wants to explore its great potential using the experience of the most successful football nations. Croatia is honoured by being recognized in India through results of not only the senior national team, but also through youth categories. Therefore, HNS technical director Romeo Jozak was invited to discuss the football cooperation of the two countries.

Foto: Arhiva HNS

"I am honoured by the extraordinary hospitality of CM, Honorable Mr. Akhilesh Yaday, during my visit to Lucknow. I have met a true sports fan, who is really trying to provide the young players from his country with the best opportunities to develop, including having the top coaches and making football a popular sport. Croatian coaches can surely play a major role in the football development in India, and we have already agreed certain starting points in that direction", said Romeo Jozak upon his return from India.

Considering football development, 2017 will be a significant year for both countries. Croatia will host the U-17 UEFA European Championships, while India will host the FIFA World Cup for the same generation. How to fully utilize the potential of those competitions was also one of the subjects during the discussions of Romeo Jozak with his Indian hosts.

"I have expressed my gratitude in the name of HNS president Šuker, whose name is opening many doors in India as well. Football is strongly expanding in India and we are proud that Croatian football can be a part of the process. I am glad that India has recognized the quality of our coaching experts, which is one of the cooperation aspects that can benefit both sides", concluded Jozak.

Foto: Arhiva HNS



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